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Major Publications and | |
Wherever possible, I make the results of my work available on the internet for direct download. In some cases I do not have the option of doing this. For further information about any reports not directly accessible here, please contact me directly. "Indonesia: Costs of Climate Change 2050" Technical Report, Policy Brief, and spreadsheets. Prepared for the USAID-funded ATLAS Project through Chemonics, International. March 2016. Further information available soon on this webpage. "Economic Instruments for Managing Industrial Pollution: Global Experience and Options for Lebanon." Prepared for the EU-funded Lebanon: Support to Reforms and Environmental Governance (StREG) project, February, 2015. "Economic Instruments for Quarry Management: Global Experience and Options for Lebanon." Prepared for the EU-funded Lebanon: Support to Reforms and Environmental Governance (StREG) project, November 2014. "Economic Instruments for Solid Waste Management: Global Experience and Options for Lebanon." Prepared for the EU-funded Lebanon: Support to Reforms and Environmental Governance (StREG) project, November 2014. "Estimating the Economic Contribution of Malawi's Forests" Study prepared for the Malawi Department of Forestry and European Commission Improved Forest Management for Sustainable Livelihoods Programme, 2013. Further information available here. "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Tourism Satellite Account Project: Technical Report." Financed by the Commission of the European Communities, November 2011. "Fisheries Accounts and Social Accounting Matrices in Indonesia: Assessment Report" Prepared for the USAID-funded Indonesia Marine and Climate Support Project, November 2011. "Kenya Tropical Forest and Biodiversity Assessment" With Bruce Byers and Evans Mwangi. Prepared for USAID/Kenya, September 2011. "Costs Imposed by Climate Change in Three Ecoregions of East Africa." With Jane Kahata and Katharine Vincent. Prepared for USAID East Africa Office of Regional Economic Growth and Integration, March 2011. For additional materials associated with this project, click here. "Toward the Development of a Tourism Satellite Account for Jordan: Summary of Results, Technical Documentation, and Tables" Carried out for the USAID Jordan Tourism Development Project and for the Jordan Department of Statistics, May 2010. "The Metamorphosis of Mali: Biodiversity in the Pays Dogon." In Africa Geographic, March 2010 "Cost and Mechanisms for Funding Wildlife Conservation near the Lom Pangar Dam, Cameroon" Prepared for the World Wildlife Fund, Central Africa Regional Program Office, January 2010. "Jordan National Tourism Indicators" Recommended tourism indicators for the National Tourism Strategy. Prepared for the USAID Jordan Tourism Development Strategy, November 2009. "Indicators for the Aqaba Special Economic Zone" Prepared for the USAID Jordan Tourism Development Strategy, November 2009. "Results of the Domestic Tourism Visitor Survey" Analysis of domestic tourism carried out for the USAID Jordan Tourism Development Project, September 2009. "Tourism Patterns in Jordan: Analysis of the National Tourism Visitor Survey" Analysis of travel and expenditure patterns of visitors to Jordan from key sending countries. May 2009. "Evaluation of Environmental and Social Effects of IFC Work in the Agribusiness Sector." Prepared as part of the IEG evaluation of the Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness Operations of the World Bank Group, 1998-2008. March 2009 Overall IEG evaluation available here. "When will community management conserve biodiversity? Evidence from Malawi." In Field.Actions Science Reports, Volume 1, pp. 9-17, 2008. "Tourism in Jordan: Current Patterns, Future Opportunities" Analysis of international tourism carried out for the USAID Jordan Tourism Development Project, February 2008. "Biodiversity Activities for the USAID Economic Growth Project 'Integrated Initiatives for Economic Growth in Mali'" Prepared for the IICEM Project, October 2008. "Strategic Environmental Assessment: Madagascar Millennium Challenge Account Agribusiness Investment Project." Prepared for Millennium Challenge Corporation Assistance Technique aux Agribusiness Centers Project, June 2008. "How much is that Mountan? Article in Africa Geographic about the valuation of Mulanje Mountain in Malawi. April 2008. "Protecting Hard-Won Ground: USAID Experience and Prospects for Biodiversity Conservation in Africa" With David Gibson and David App. Prepared for USAID Biodiversity Assessment and Technical Support Program. "Implementation Plan for a Jordanian Tourism Satellite Account: Final Draft - 13 December, 2007." Prepared for USAID Jordan Tourism Development Project, 2007. ""Can Indicators and Accounts Really Measure Sustainability? Considerations for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency." Paper prepared in conjunction with the USEPA Workshop on Sustainability. February, 2006 "Compiling a Mongolian Tourism Satellite Account: Phase 1." Study carried out for the USAID Mongolia Economic Policy Reform and Competitiveness project (EPRC). July 2006. Valuing the Resources of Mulanje Mountain: Current and projected use under alternate management scenarios." Study carried out for the COMPASS II Project/DAI, Blantyre, Malawi. April 2006. "Valuing the Resources of Mulanje Mountain: Study Design." Study carried out for the COMPASS II Project/DAI, Blantyre, Malawi. July, 2005. "Egyptian Tourism Statistics and the Development of Tourism Satellite Accounts." Study carried out for the USAID DATA Project, Ministry of Planning, Egyptian Arabic Republic. April 2005. National Environmental Accounting: Bridging the Gap Between Ecology and Economy. Introductory book targeting an informed but non-technical audience. (Washington, D.C.: Resources for the Future, 2005) ed., Living With the Future in Mind. Third edition of the New Jersey Sustainable State Goals and Indicators. December, 2004. Produced by the New Jersey Sustainable State Institute. "Environmental Statistics and Accounting in Egypt: Challenges and Opportunities." Study carried out for the USAID DATA Project, Ministry of Planning, Egyptian Arabic Republic. August 2004. "Methodological Note: Incorporating Nature in the Tourism Satellite Accounts." June 2004. Prepared for USAID/Cairo. "Strengthening Data to Build Competitiveness: Using Tourism and Environmental Satellite Accounts to Track the Egyptian Economy." June 2004. Paper Presented at the Conference on Revisiting Egypt's Competitiveness: The Road Ahead for Building Leading Sectors, Conrad Hotel, Cairo, Egypt. June 28 and 29, 2004. "Revenue Sharing in the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Park" Prepared for the Joint Management Board, Great Limpopo Transfrontier Park, through the USAID Great Limpopo Transborder Natural Resources Management Initiative. February 2004. "What's Sustainability Go to do with New Jersey?" ANJEC (Association of New Jersey Environment Commissions) Report, Spring 2003. Go to pages 8-9. News from NJSSI An occasional news brief from the New Jersey Sustainable State Institute
"Green National Income, Measures of Welfare, and Ideological Bias." Presented at the biennial meeting of the International Society for Ecological Economics, Sousse, Tunisia, March 2002. "Egyptian Environmental Policy Program Monitoring System: Draft Prototype Working Indicators." Prepared for the USAID-funded Egyptian Environmental Policy Program, through Chemonics, International. November 2001. "Environmental Accounting: Will it meet the goals of ecological economics?" Presented at the biennial meeting of the US Society for Ecological Economics, Duluth, MI, July 2001. Lessons Learned from Environmental Accounting: Findings from Nine Case Studies. (Washington, D.C.: IUCN-The World Conservation Union, 2000) "Accounting for the Environment in National Economic Data: New directions for the United States?" Natural Resources and Environment; ABA Section of Environment, Energy and Resources. Vol. 14, No. 3, Winter 2000. "Environmental Accounting: Where are we, where are we going?" Resources, April 1999. "Drinking Water Supply in the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Area: Prospects and Options for the 21st Century", February 1999. ed., Valuing the Environment: Cases from South Asia. (Kathmandu: IUCN-The World Conservation Union, 1999)
"Can the Kyoto Protocol Support Biodiversity Conservation: Legal and Financial Challenges." By Joy Hecht and Brett Orlando. Environmental Law Reporter. September 1998. "Impacts of Tariff Escalation on the Environment: Literature Review and Synthesis" World Development, 25(1997):1701-1716 October 1997. "Integrating the Environment into the World Bank's Country Assistance Strategy" with Christine Real de Azua. Prepared for IUCN, 1997. "The Impacts of Freight on the Environment." Prepared for the OECD Trade Directorate, 1996. Available through the OECD website. "Monitoring the Environmental Impacts of Trade Policy Reform in Africa: Lessons from Chad" Ecological Economics, 13(1995):155-167 June 1995. "Natural Resources Management Projects in West Africa: A Framework for Comparative Analysis of Project Concepts and Design." Prepared for the Africa Region, The World Bank, 1995. "Environmental Monitoring, Evaluation, and Mitigation Plans: A Review of the Experiences in Four African Countries" Prepared for USAID Africa Bureau, 1994. Chad: Country Environmental Strategy Paper. Report no. 13174-CD, The World Bank, 1994. "Mise en place d'un réseau de suivi environnemental au Niger" Prepared for USAID/Niger through International Resources Group, 1994. "Agricultural Trade Policy Reform Program: Design of an Environmental Monitoring System" with G. E. Karch, S. Deffendol, J. Tabor, J. Keith, R. Hanchett and D. Plowes. Prepared for USAID/Chad, 1993. "Natural Resource Accounting in the Developing World: A Neo-Classical Approach" with H. Peskin. Presented at the UNEP Workshop on Environmental and Natural Resource Accounting, Nairobi, February 1992. | ||